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Deaf ASL Restaurant

Estimated Costs Needed to Raise

Blue Gem Image $5,000,000

Received Towards Initiative

White Gem Image $0

Concept Developed by Watching Switched at Birth

I remember watching the TV Show Switched at Birth, the basic story line here is that a girl from one family and the girl from another are accidentally switched at the hospital.

Then given to the wrong family, which as time progressed the one girl loses her hearing due to the mother having trouble financially. Which leads to her losing her hearing, there is even an episode where they showcase this event.

However, in this case the episode that matters is going over the events around Daphne working at a restaurant and because she cant hear having trouble working in the restaurant. Where she goes to turn around and bangs into someone carrying something.

Which causes the food to be dropped and many situations to take afoot going forward. So this brought together an idea of not only in this scenario but how many times working in a restaurant setting do you accidentally bump into someone turning around who is carrying food.

Simply because you did not even know they were behind you or you zoned out in your work and didnt hear them say hot plate or whatever because they said it too low. As well as because deaf individuals cant hear normal restaurant structures do not work.

The reason being is you cannot hear when alarms go off for timers unless you have special setup to accommodate this situation.

Mall of Hopes Vision for a Deaf ASL Restaurant

Mall of Hopes vision for a Deaf ASL Restaurant is a 2 story rectangular building with a detached extremely large garage building broken up into sections. The first floor houses the restaurant and an entertainment event area.

Here you would have a buffet type restaurant housed against the wall of the restaurant side towards the side wall where the entertainment area is. The buffet line lines up in a direct path from the side walk through door by the kitchen and the main office.

This allows for easy refilling of the buffet line as well as checking the current food levels to see what needs replaced. Then to ensure the easiest setup for patrons each seating space would have an over hanging computer like you see in some restaurants.

These computers are used to place order for your drink, refill drinks, some meals not in the buffet line as well as informing the server of anything you wish to inform them through a text to server type deal.

The servers work on an east half of north side or west half of north side serving area to limit the chances of banging into one another when trying to carry stuff to the patrons.

In the restaurant, if someone comes who cannot afford to food they can be given food for free in exchange for cleaning a few pots and pans in the one room by the dishwasher room to the side of the janitor closet.

There is one room for dry goods storage as well as easy delivery. There is 3 door walk in fridgerator and freezer for each directional walkthrough north, east or west direction. This way if something had been knocked over in the way of a door you can get in by another door.

As well as you can limit the chances of walking into each other and if anything ever happened one can help another person without not being able to get in to help them.

The kitchen would be setup like an interconnected network with light notifications on the prep line as well as the stove line. One side of the kitchen would be focused on the baking, the other side would be focused on the normal meal creation.

All of the prep stations would have an angled mirror above the head of the worker that would be angled in such a way you can look up and see behind you if anyone is walking by you before you turn around to move forward.

The pay area can be done via the computers or by the counter by the front door. A small seating arrangement sofa line type deal for if you are waiting for a spot to eat at. In the entertainment area there will be the ability to view projector movies or have musical talent and dancing.

This area can also house receptions, get together events or even ceremonies.

Now for the workers there will be a second floor above the restaurant where they can live, it will be broken up into 2 single bedroom apartments, 4 double bedroom apartments with an office space and then for new hires who are not permanent employees there is a dormitory type apartment where it is a 4 bedroom type apartment with each room for a different individual.

There would be a washer and dryer against one of the walls in the corner of the floor and then an elevator down to first floor as well as two exits to walk down the stairs to first floor on the outside of the building.

Each of these sections would have its own location in the garage with its own door to enter and place their vehicle. Every person would have their own wifi format open garage entry method as well as one of the apartments would be for Mall of Hope to come check in.

The restaurant would be mostly maintained by the workers and the site would offer suggestions and ideas for other restaurants to be able to improve upon their current techniques.

After this style was completed and working well, another location that would be focused on table service would be designed and developed to be more effective.

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