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School Funding Issues

Estimated Costs Needed to Raise

Blue Gem Image $10,000,000

Received Towards Initiative

White Gem Image $0

School Funding Issues

We hear on the news and constantly through various articles how schools are having trouble staying open because of budget cuts and other lack of funding. In addition, various departments within schools have been terminated, such as classes in the arts because of these budget cuts.

Online College Degree Costs

College degrees are expensive. Getting a degree can cost anywhere from $50,000 - $100,000, depending on its level: associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s.

Offsetting College Costs with Scholarships

Students seek to diminish their college debt by acquiring scholarships through various websites, such as Fastweb.

Mall of Hopes Vision for School Funding issues

Beyond the need for scholarships, students across the world face other issues like not receiving enough hands-on help to learn the material that is being taught in class.

In the USA, we have both the curriculum and teaching standards provided by the Board of Education. Our teachers, however, as long as they provide the basic content, are allowed to follow their own various ways of presenting it. Some choose to give more tests, while others prefer to make teaching a game to help promote learning. Class size is important. Large classes mean teachers are not able to provide as much one-on-one help to the students who need it.  Bearing all this in mind, Mall of Hope has its own vision of tomorrow’s future for education.

More effective solutions could be made available by finding a way to team up the Board of Education with Mall of Hope. Together they could revolutionize a learning platform that would benefit both the schools and parents who wish to home school their children.

Let us take a moment to imagine a more hands on training from pre-school all the way through college. If the Board of Education curriculum was put together by a select group of instructors who are both qualified teachers and excel at organizing their discoveries for educational purposes.

The government would still provide the same services it does now for funding schools across the nation. But the extra funds to sustain the schools would come from the platform provided by this special group of teachers and their particular findings. Families of home schoolers would pay a specific monthly fee for their learning materials, which would help to fund the schools.

Those who attend school would watch the same recorded lessons across the nation, but also have the ability to log in and rewatch the material to help them better retain what had already been presented in the school. While in school the instructor could replay the recorded class which would make the material clearer and more concise. This would not take as long as a normal class, allowing the teacher to focus more on helping those who are struggling.

The teaching methods in colleges would be relatively the same as the Elementary, Middle and High School systems above, but this would help to lower the costs for the college student. It would definitely change the game on many, many levels.

So many of us feel that we went to college for nothing, that we got nothing out of our time there, and we were not able to find work after finishing our degree. However, if these suggestions were implemented skill levels would improve, from the hands-on learning alone. Then colleges could give more attention to resume development and job placement. The goal here is not to destroy what is out there but to improve upon it, so we and our children can do better in the generations to come.

So, will you stand by us on a journey for the human race to find a new level of success, one that has never been obtained before but is now within our grasp? After all, Mall of Hope is here to provide hope for you and everyone else with real solutions to our problems.

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