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Terms & Conditions as of September 1, 2019

Email Subscription

When you submit your email you acknowledge you are responsible for that email and you are saying it is your email to give out. We are not responsible for wrong emails given to us. You are not allowed to submit anything other than your email otherwise we will have to manually delete it and then block you from doing it again in future. You accept that by providing us your email to receive any newsletters and our yearly Donation Request Email that we send out.


You understand that if you intend to do any Donations while we do not have an onsite donation option that you will need to contact the President and go from there while we setup the proper options for onsite donations. We are considering several different companies at the present time such as Paypal with Paypal Here tied in. However, whatever we select it will be the one we use as long as possible and will not change so therefore or decision has to be solid yes. After all we want to guarantee our work to you for all that we do with your donations. Now for most part we will accept Checks and Money Orders via mail. We will add to this section soon a sample of how to write these out for us to accept the donation. After any donation we receive over $50 dollars your receive a corresponding unique donation package as a thank you for donating. We will in order to take this donation need to know if your going for 501c3 tax deductible or not. We will also need to know which initiative your donating to via letter with donation option, your name, address and phone number. This information is for our records to do with tax filing and so forth. Other than that use there we will use it only to send return mail correspondance in the form of a thank you for donation response.

Website Use

Anyone can access our site to see what we are about, however we do not want anyone under the age of 18 as a member unless otherwise noted and approved by a guardian or parent in instances of volunteering. No donations should be done by individuals under the age of 18 unless your in person and your parent or guardian hands you the donation to bring up to the table or whatever. When you use our site you acknowledge and will automatically abide by the privacy policy and terms and conditions for the date of use. You understand that the website may be down at times for updates and maintenance on an as needed basis and if you see any issues feel free to contact us. You also acknowledge images and content displayed is saved in your browser and cookie history automatically for faster load times in future and accept this responsibility. You also take full responsibilty for any of your actions on the site. Any misuse of this site and we can pursue legal means against you. Anything that jeopardizes the Non-Profit and its good name caused by you and we will definitely see you in court we have no tolerance for that sort of thing because too many people, animals, companies and so forth need this to succeed in order to help the world for generations to come. Any information you provide such as Email, Address, Name, Phone Number and so forth you give of your own free will and acknowledge that this information is used by Mall of Hope, INC or the President himself on an as needed basis and not sold to third parties.


If you wish to volunteer you will have to manually select what Initiative you wish to volunteer for or contact the President of the Non-Profit to arrange where you want to volunteer and what Initiative/s. We are not responsible for any costs to you for your volunteering such as lodging, food and standard stuff. We will however, try to cover some of it with pre planned setups but the food we get will be cost effective as well as the lodging for example due to our primary concern being low costs and high performance. We understand that when you want to volunteer you want to help people, animals and so forth but you must also understand that we cant always be responsible for everything in costs to the volunteers. After all we are trying to solve problems in a way thats new and more efficient than before. However, we will always be grateful for your time and assistance. As well as we will do stuff to create a legacy for people to know your good deeds.


All of our Initiatives when you volunteer or donate to are seperate from rest for most part with the exception of all donations going to same Non-Profit 501c3 bank acount. You understand that when you select an Initiative to donate to that you are not going to be allowed to change your donation Initiative Elective afterwards because everything is filed in a way to ensure that we meet our goals and that we utilize all donations correctly in accordance to their perspective purposes. You also understand that when an Initiative is first put up for the site we input into the Seeking to Raise amount what we expect it to price out to. As we finish our research the numbers will be more accurate and therefore may end up being higher or lower than initial goal to raise. We to the best of our ability will provide accurate details to the public. The reason that our Initiatives do not have already identified costs is because we have to discuss with several people for each task we need done to select who is most suitable for the projects at hand. Then we put this information into the Details Section of the Initiative as well as combine these costs outside and any other costs that need to be handled with some extra incase it costs alittle more than expected.

Tax Deductible Donations

When you do Tax Deductible Donations although we say 100% tax deductible we are no way, shape or form responsible for this being true. The reason being that only a tax professional, accountant or attorney can tell you what is your cap amount of donations that is tax deductible and this varies in some cases by the state and line of work. So please consult a professional before you do Tax Deductible Donations to find out what percentage of income is acceptable for Tax Deductions.