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Tree Planting Organizations

Estimated Costs Needed to Raise

Blue Gem Image $2,500,000

Received Towards Initiative

White Gem Image $0

Tree Planting Donations

Tree Planting Donations inspire us and give us hope. We feel better when we root a tree in the earth, knowing that it will help improve the atmosphere by providing oxygen for breathing. In a way we are giving life by planting a tree.

Tree Planting Organizations

There are so many tree planting organizations that it is hard to keep up. By the way, as well as having a tree planted in your name, it is now possible to buy a star from! But to get back to the subject at hand- organizations that plant tree often do not follow up. Most will charge for just planting the tree, and leave it at that. Sometimes people buy a special tree- and then it named after them- but does that really do anything for the planet? Aside from giving you a certain acknowledgement, how good can this make us feel when we know billions of tons of lumber are being used for various products like furniture, paper and housing?

Mall of Hopes Tree Planting as a Defense Against Starvation

Since Mall of Hope finds it helpful to combine one issue with another to solve a problem, we decided to put tree planting together with the difficulties surrounding starvation. You may be wondering how we would go about doing that. It is actually very simple if you consider how we harvest fruit trees; the fruit can be collected and distributed to feed the hungry. Our vision in this instance would be to acquire land and plant fruit trees. Then, for example, we would send some of the fruit to Gerber Baby Food. They, in turn, would distribute some of it to families who cannot afford to feed their children. And some of it could be sent across the nation to various food pantries and soup kitchens. And now imagine what a great benefit this would be if we could make it a global effort.

Not only would the trees produce fruit but they also give off oxygen- albeit not as much as redwoods, aspens and oaks. In addition, a portion of the proceeds from selling the apples would support planting other types of trees.

Whenever trees die, we should immediately replace them, thus creating self-sustaining solutions that work well together- some providing oxygen, and in the case of fruit trees both food and oxygen. Can you imagine a world built around helping to actually solve the problems we are facing as a human race.

We can- and that is exactly what our goal is here. While working together to provide more food and oxygen through means that are self-sustaining, we’ve alleviated the problem of relying too heavily on donations, while bringing about effective change. And if we were able to partner with Gerber Baby Food, this would be an item that could be sent worldwide. Another possibility would be a fruit drink company, which could provide for areas without safe water. Ideally, our first location would be Texas due to the price per acre costs being cheaper.

As our efforts gain momentum, locations may be found in other countries with the same goals, where they could create similar networks for distribution. In theory, this would help in the fight against global warming. More trees supply greater possibility for filtration. Thus, supplying an increase in clean oxygen which benefits the earth’s atmosphere.

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