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How to Help Unemployed

Estimated Costs Needed to Raise

Blue Gem Image $250,000

Received Towards Initiative

White Gem Image $0

Unemployed Estimate

Considering that unemployment ended on September 4th, 2021, for much of the population, let us begin our analysis from January/February in order to accurately estimate a more usual unemployment situation.

An excellent article in the Washington Post discusses this issue. ( It puts the amount of individuals collecting unemployment at that time close to 18.3 million, with around 10% unemployed.

It is difficult to give a truly accurate assessment of the number who were unemployed. Many did not qualify at all. Others had funds which either ran out or their government assistance ended at the beginning of September. Bearing all this in mind, we will base our analysis on the final more accurate data that was collected several months ago.

Unemployment Assistance Programs

There are many unemployment assistances programs, such as resources at your local jobs and family service offices. There are other programs available, including back to work placement assistance through third parties. An example would be job fulfillment companies where one is basically working for a temp agency.

Nonprofits can also provide help in acquiring new skills. Churches offer assistance in completing resumes so you can apply for local work opportunities. Some colleges offer job replacement programs. If your field is no longer needed you can get help starting a new career after you complete your degree. Many job options exist including numerous online employment platforms.

This is fortunate since no one size shoe fits all. In addition, flaws in the employment process could be rectified to help speed up job replacement and ensure a brighter future.

Causes of Unemployment

To get to the bottom of this problem we need to look at numerous factors. It’s not just that people are not trying hard enough to find work. On the web, we see that low pay is a serious problem. The problem is both inability to find work and too much dependence on unemployment. Those who could find a job but just fall back on unemployment is a main concern of the government, as they search for the reason why those who put in the effort and truly need funding are having so much trouble- especially severe now that the protective measures which had been in place before are basically ended.

However, is government bailout really the right solution? And why is it necessary to have several interviews before hiring? Why pay two dollars less to those who apply directly than you would using a temp agency? A good worker is a good worker. Is it because multiple interviews are part of Equal Opportunity Employment? Maybe we are just not as EOE as we think we are. Maybe we think this is the only fair way to do it.

Mall of Hopes Solution for the Unemployed

At Mall of Hope, we have different solutions for Unemployment regarding applications, interviewing and hiring. We believe the answer lies in realizing that job seekers and employers are two halves of a single process. Like yin and yang, they resemble two people on a dating app; their profiles need to match. This is not a simple process. Perhaps it is necessary to relocate, depending on the distance between you and the job, and then there are salary considerations, and all sorts of requirements on either end that add up to a feasible arrangement.

In order to partially fund Mall of Hope’s mission for self-sustainability, we have teamed up with Meshfire's Mall and Services in order to obtain 40% of the net profits on several of their services. The concept behind this method is that you find out if the job is a good fit for you before you start the application process. You avoid looking for a job opportunity and applying. Then going to several interviews only to find out it’s not a good fit. You solve all that before you even start the process.

Instead of taking the time for several interviews, you go to what is called a courtesy interview because you have already made it through the employment pipeline and have made it to the final selection process. At this point, meeting in person is more of a formality than a necessity, and you are just doing it to review the benefits and pay. You have been apprised of the benefits you are looking for as well as the pay you require to take the role. In total over 2,000 variables are in place to save time and money when looking for work.

This platform will be fully functional by start of the New Year and will require some additional funds to tie up loose ends. Once it is up and running any person, employed or unemployed, anywhere, can be a part of it- and funds will help to speed up the process.

This platform will auto apply you to all job openings that match your parameters. The employer can run you through the standard three reviews for each of the stages but without having to attend several times for interviews. It is one of the several plans described in this document for a self-sustaining nonprofit to receive funds from several sources. This takes us beyond the need for donations, finding solutions to major fiscal problems on a whole new level that will benefit everyone now and for generations to come.

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